Take care
of nature

TakING care
of nature
for tomorrow

Engaged in a certification process

Nutrition & Santé is engaged in environmental certification procedures for its manufacturing sites (ISO 14001 standard v.15). It is the recognition by an outside and independent accredited agency of its commitment to sustainable manufacturing of “clean products” and “respectful of the environment”.
This process of permanent progress was initiated several years ago, the first, “Revel 2” factory, having been certified in 2008. Today, 6 out of 8 French production workshops have been certified, and we intend to extend it to all our remaining French sites and our two production units in Catalonia.

Engaged in a certification process

Nutrition & Santé is engaged in environmental certification procedures for its manufacturing sites (ISO 14001 standard v.15). It is the recognition by an outside and independent accredited agency of its commitment to sustainable manufacturing of “clean products” and “respectful of the environment”.
This process of permanent progress was initiated several years ago, the first, “Revel 2” factory, having been certified in 2008. Today, 6 out of 8 French production workshops have been certified, and we intend to extend it to all our remaining French sites and our two production units in Catalonia.

In 2023, the recovery rate of our waste at European sites is 97.67% with more recycling channels and better sorting. Our target is 100% by 2030.
71% of our packaging is recyclable or made from recycled materials, at group level. 81% in France. And we are aiming for 100% by 2030.
Between fifteen and twenty sorting channels on our certified sites to better recycle

Protect the environment

Nutrition & Santé has a waste reduction policy at source, through numerous recycling channels at all its production sites.

107g of CO2

A fleet of vehicles with controlled CO2 emissions.

We have adopted a responsible purchasing charter covering the topic of employee transportation and thus limiting the emission rate to 107 grams of CO2.

In addition, particular attention is paid to the consumption of natural resources. Nutrition & Santé conducted some energy diagnostic audits at its 3 major sites in France to identify avenues for optimizing energy consumption.

Anxious to better preserve the environment and to contribute to the fight against climate change on its scale, the investments made in our units (more than 3 million per year since 2011) allow a better environmental performance in a context of growth.

Protect the environment

Nutrition & Santé did not wait until 30% of birds and 80% fewer insects were identified at European level to act. The company is developing concrete actions for biodiversity on several levels. A fair practice for these ecosystems that feed our future!

With our agricultural partners

Nutrition & Santé oversees a wheat and soybean crop program, side by side with historic farmers.

99% of our Gerblé recipes are made with 100% French wheat flour, grown according to practices favorable to biodiversity.

The commitment of the wheat farmer partners is also reflected in:

  • The distance of cultivated plots from any source of pollution
  • Zero insecticide during storage, provided by natural ventilation of the grains
  • Refusal of Glyphosate on the plant since 2000
  • The protection of streams, hedges and isolated trees so that insects continue to nest there
  • Maintenance of roads in proximity to cultivated plots to protect pollinating insects

In March 2019, we launched the Objectif Terre program with 25 farmers from our CRC wheat flour partnership to support them in their conversion to Agroecology. It is a 10-year project, in the 3 regions where we source our supplies, with organizational, technical and financial assistance through 4 economic interest groups. And our target is 100% of our wheat flour from agroecological supply chains by 2030.

From 2021 to 2023, 30 N&S volunteer employees were trained in beekeeping and the protection of pollinating insects.

From 2015 to 2022, N&S has supported the “Hey bees, welcome” program.

Program reminder
« Hey bees, welcome »

With our agricultural partners

Improve the reception on their farms of polinnating insects.
Farmers committed themselves for a period of 5 years.

What were the objectives?

  • To act to diversify the diet
  • To act to facilitate nesting
  • To act to preserve health

What were the tools of the program?

  • Training between farmers
  • A simple diagnostic tool

What actions were in place?

  • Rotating honey crops
  • Planting hedge and wood flowering strips
  • Maintenance or creation of natural areas

A good organic offer for nature and for humans

In 2023, 30% of Nutrition & Santé’s business in France is now labeled organic, 20% internationally. For more than 40 years, the growing development of our organic references has promoted the virtuous practices of organic farming that are beneficial to the preservation of our biodiversity.

Our interest in organic agriculture is simultaneously related to the environmental and social benefits it entails. Our organic approach is global by considering the ecological, fair and local dimensions in each of our Group decisions. The idea is not to respond to a trend of consumption but to lead a coherent approach in all its aspects.

The virtuous practices
of organic farming

Manual or mechanical weeding to preserve soil fertility
Exclusively organic fertilizers (no herbicides or chemical pesticides)
Crop rotation
Cultivation of legumes that capture nitrogen from the air without external input and enrich the soil.

On our sites...

The green spaces of Nutrition & Santé are eco-friendly!
The company pays particular attention to the maintenance of the natural areas of its production sites, most of which are in rural areas: no insecticides, manual or mechanical weeding, organic treatments if necessary … so many practices for the maintenance of the biodiversity.

To eco-design our products

Throughout the life cycle of its products, Nutrition & Santé focuses its efforts on the origin of raw materials, the choice of packaging and their recyclability, the energy resources involved, as well as the environmental impacts related to the manufacture and use of products. Since 2011, N&S has its own eco-design charter. Since 2018, any new product manufactured in our French plants and distributed in Europe, is evaluated in terms of eco-design.